rock pile disturber
MMMMM Vanilla Coke
Posts: 59
Post by jakeman on Mar 5, 2013 14:08:09 GMT -6
Hi everyone Like everyone here I absolutely love the film and all the bits and pieces surrounding the comics and the mockumentaries, I have decided that I want to make a piece about the Blair Witch Project. At this moment in time I have a rough idea of what I want to create, a short piece which will be a mixed media one including live action segments and animation. I have a few friends who are wanting to create the music for the piece and I hope to combine all these segments into an hour long or four 15 min pieces. I have started to collect all the pieces to create this project and I hope that once finished it will be a great piece. I will update this thread with the work we will be starting in the next few months, I would absolutely love feedback on this project and who better then the people of this forum. I hope that we entertain and I look forward to the work that is upon us. Jake
rock pile disturber
Posts: 177
Post by Woll on Mar 5, 2013 18:29:52 GMT -6
This sounds really interesting. I can't wait for it.
rock pile disturber
MMMMM Vanilla Coke
Posts: 59
Post by jakeman on Mar 6, 2013 7:21:39 GMT -6
Hi everyone, I have a little survey that would be a great help to this project. So if you would like to fill it out please follow the link here www.surveymonkey.com/s/3KQL7KR
Post by Tweek on Mar 6, 2013 17:22:49 GMT -6
Sounds good to me. We await your updates with great eagerness!
Post by voke on Mar 7, 2013 14:26:37 GMT -6
Hi everyone, I have a little survey that would be a great help to this project. So if you would like to fill it out please follow the link here www.surveymonkey.com/s/3KQL7KRThis sounds like a great idea! I've just completed your survey. Make sure to keep us all updated, and if you need any help, just let us know!
rock pile disturber
MMMMM Vanilla Coke
Posts: 59
Post by jakeman on Mar 11, 2013 15:57:02 GMT -6
Update Thanks to everyone who has popped over to surveymonkey for my survey, it has been a great help if you haven't done so yet why not now www.surveymonkey.com/s/3KQL7KR As I live in the UK I have been scouting out woodland areas in the Kent area and I have found some great locations for some shots for the live action stuff. Below is a link to my deviantart account where I have posted some sketches and some photos for this week. fav.me/d5xq1v6